Founders of StudyStash presenting at African French Speaking Community Support Charity
Key Stats
Training focusedon digital and linguistic learning
1.5+ hours saved per resourceon average by using StudyStash`s AI
Learning speed increased by 73%than traditional learning methods
Ready to get started?
African French Speaking Community Support (AFSCS) is a charity organisation based in the West Midlands who supports those living on the margins of society. They provide English classes every Monday and Wednesday, a safe space for students and welcome anyone who comes their way.
AFSCS runs events to educate students about life skills like Technology, Science and Higher education. In June they even ran a 'Science Week' where hundreds of students learnt how to build sustainable buildings and code in Python.
Supporting AFSCS?
AFSCS is a charity based in Smethwick. Jonathan and Ben, co-founders of StudyStash, were able to support AFSCS through the StudyStash foundation with a mission of helping local charities in the West Midlands.
Please reach out to to find out more.
How does AFSCS use StudyStash?
StudyStash provides an AI-powered platform for students to create revision notes on any topic, in any language, at any age range. There is GCSE, A-Level and even adult learners all creating digital resources focused on linguistic training to help them integrate with their local communities.
Science week?
Students have the ability to instantly create interactive mindmaps, flashcards, games, and tests.
Resources can be created in a matter of minutes and be shared to learners on any topic, in any language. This saves both the learners, and teachers time in every element of the learning process whilst making an interactive and engaging experience.